Some Southeast Asian type specimen in the collections of the natural history museums in Leiden and Stuttgart: Apteraltica schawallerimale Holotype Apteraltica schawallerimale Paratype Chabria laysifemale Paratype Chabria tristismale Lectotype Discotarsa buonloicafemale Paratype Eucyclomera nigricollismale Holotype Orthaltica schawallerimale Holotype Orthaltica schawallerimale Paratype Orthaltica thailandicamale Holotype Orthaltica thailandicamale Paratype Chrysomelidae sp. 44male Holotype Colaspoides schulzi Paratype Colaspoides seticornis Paratype Colaspoides shapaensis Paratype Colaspoides subovata Paratype Colaspoides tamdaoensis Paratype Colaspoides vocki Holotype Lypesthes laetusmale Lectotype Hoplasoma paradoxamale Lectotype Hoplasoma sulawesianamale Paratype Monolepta (cf.) sp. 15amale Holotype Monolepta (cf.) sp. 15bfemale Holotype Pedrillimorphia bicoloramale Holotype Pedrillimorphia gracilicornismale Holotype Pedrillimorphia riedelimale Holotype Zeugophora aethiopsmale Holotype Zeugophora apicatamale Holotype Zeugophora elongatamale Holotype Zeugophora riedelimale Holotype Coccinellidae sp. 1male Holotype Alatidotasia (cf.) sp. 4dfemale Holotype Laemophloeidae sp.not sexed Holotype Bradymerus acutangulusmale Plesiotype Bradymerus acuticostismale Lectotype Bradymerus aenusfemale Paratype Bradymerus aeratusfemale Holotype Bradymerus alternicostismale Holotype Bradymerus andamanusfemale Lectotype Bradymerus andoimale Holotype Bradymerus aratusmale Holotype Bradymerus asperfemale Holotype Bradymerus atronitensmale Holotype Bradymerus aulacopterusmale Paratype Bradymerus bifurcatusmale Paratype Bradymerus bocakorummale Holotype Bradymerus caeruleipennisfemale Holotype Bradymerus crassicollisfemale Holotype Bradymerus crockerensismale Holotype Bradymerus difficilismale Holotype Bradymerus drescherimale Holotype Bradymerus emasicusmale Holotype Bradymerus fouqueimale Holotype Bradymerus gebienimale Holotype Bradymerus gerstmeierimale Paratype Bradymerus grimmimale Holotype Bradymerus hauserimale Holotype Bradymerus impressicollismale Lectotype Bradymerus incostatusmale Holotype Bradymerus interstitialismale Holotype Bradymerus irismale Holotype Bradymerus kanchenjungicusmale Paratype Bradymerus kaszabimale Holotype Bradymerus kinabalicusmale Holotype Bradymerus kodadaimale Holotype Bradymerus kulzerimale Lectotype Bradymerus laevicostatusfemale Holotype Bradymerus laoticusmale Holotype Bradymerus majerimale Holotype Bradymerus malayicusmale Holotype Bradymerus maramagicusmale Holotype Bradymerus masumotoimale Holotype Bradymerus mcgregorimale Lectotype Bradymerus merklimale Holotype Bradymerus michihikoimale Lectotype Bradymerus mindanaensismale Holotype Bradymerus nodicollisfemale Lectotype Bradymerus pertyimale Lectotype Bradymerus planicollisfemale Holotype Bradymerus propinquusmale Holotype Bradymerus pseudomalayicusmale Holotype Bradymerus riedelimale Lectotype Bradymerus seminitidusmale Lectotype Bradymerus sijthoffimale Holotype Bradymerus sprecheraemale Holotype Bradymerus spretusmale Holotype Bradymerus sumatranusmale Holotype Bradymerus thailandicusmale Holotype Bradymerus (cf.) #055not sexed Holotype Platydema andoimale Holotype Platydema becvarimale Holotype Platydema bocakimale Holotype Platydema cardamonicummale Holotype Platydema coeruleummale Lectotype Platydema guangxicummale Holotype Platydema javanicummale Holotype Platydema javanum Holotype Platydema lewisimale Paratype Platydema loeblimale Holotype Platydema longivittismale Holotype Platydema masumotoimale Holotype Platydema merklimale Holotype Platydema mindanaoicummale Holotype Platydema monocerosmale Holotype Platydema pentaphylloides Holotype Platydema perpolitum Holotype Platydema planummale Holotype Platydema poringicummale Holotype Platydema riedelimale Holotype Platydema sauterimale Lectotype Platydema schultheissimale Holotype Platydema sericeummale Holotype Platydema sulawesicummale Holotype Platydema yunnanicummale Holotype